Is Xiaxia Starting to Get Tired?

When Ji Hanzhi heard about the mission, she was secretly pleased.

Despite the fact that Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan were just five years old, she always personally selected their birthday presents and planned their party. She knew her daughters' preferences like the back of her hand. This mission was tailor-made for her.

Hearing the announcement in Wheatley's home, the despondent Nannan perked up.

"Michael, I'm good at this!" She might not be able to outdo Lin Wan in terms of talent and skills, but she knew her child well.

"Auntie, we will definitely win!" Wheatley was also full of confidence.

"Nannan, you guys can do it!" Michael wrapped his arms around his wife and his daughter.

At the Xiao family house, Xia Mo was enjoying the cool air on the recliner and did not even raise her head when she heard the announcement.

Xiao Yi and Li Zexin didn't hear the broadcast at all in the room.