The Happy Things Were No Longer Happy

Lin Wan had been in high spirits especially after doing something inappropriate in the luxurious president's office. She had only seen such encounters on television.

However, as she listened to her stepchildren and Li Yanchen's coaxing, egging her on to have a child, she no longer felt the joy.

At the Royal Water Bay, Auntie Huang had prepared supper and was waiting in the courtyard for the owners to return home.

The courtyard was filled with the aroma of corn. It was Lin Wan's favorite. Finally, the car arrived in the parking lot. Auntie Huang quickly stood up.

"Grandma Huang!" The three children jumped out from the back seat of the car and called out to her happily.

"You're back!" Auntie Huang said, grinning from ear to ear.

Auntie Huang helped them with their luggage and ushered the children into the house.

Lin Wan picked up a delicious corn cob while Li Yanchen drank a cup of green bean soup and headed upstairs.