How Was She Supposed to Communicate Something Like This to Them?

Lin Wan quickly turned off the speaker and put the phone on handset mode. "I am at the Lili Club at the South Gate of the district. Why are you back home? I will come back by myself. I will call you later, alright?"

"Wanwan—" Before Li Yanchen could even finish his sentence, the call ended. He headed to the underground parking lot of the clubhouse.

In Lili Club's luxurious private room, the ladies who had been woken up by the phone call looked at Lin Wan.

"Mrs. Li, we all heard you. Don't play dumb anymore. Tell us how you made Mr. Li so obedient."

'How was she supposed to communicate something like this to them?' Lin Wan closed her eyes and pretended to sleep.

When the receptionist knocked on the door to inform Lin Wan that Li Yanchen was waiting for her in the lobby, she jumped up in relief. Ignoring everyone, she put on her clothes. "Thank you so much for today. I have to go. Let's talk some other time."