Is That Really You, Xixi?

The Lin family's old residence was in YunCcity's Changrong District. It was more than 60 kilometers away from the Royal Water Bay, which was almost an hour's drive.

Lin Wan's father was buried on Mount Qiping in Changrong District.

After seeking Lin Wan's opinion, Li Yanchen decided to bring her to the cemetery to pay respects to her father first.

Ever since she came to this world, Lin Wan had never crossed a district, except for live variety shows. She had only ever hung out in areas near the Royal Water Bay.

Unlike the high-rise buildings near the Royal Water Bay, Changrong District mostly had traditional houses. As far as the eye could see, they were all small two-story buildings with an antique feel to them.

The closer they got to Mount Qiping, the more desolate their surroundings became. Lin Wan was certain that she had never been to this place before in her life.