Everything Around Me Has Changed

The host's painting seemed to be of her original world.

Lin Wan looked for Li Yanchen to ask him for confirmation.

"Is this building in Yun City?" She pointed at the picture.

Chenxin was in the downtown area of Yun City, surrounded by all kinds of high-rise buildings, including other small communities, especially with similar color tones.

"I think I've seen it before. Many of the districts in the city have this color." Li Yanchen did not think much of it.

Perhaps the Lin Wan of the past was just passing by and casually drew it. "Look here! It's written in Thirty Ink Shades. That's the name of the town in the neighborhood, right?" Lin Wan noticed the bold words on the roof of the building.

There were so many communities in Yun City, she doubted anybody would know this neighborhood besides Li Yanchen.