As A Couple, They Might Be Unpopular, but They Aren't Evil

Xiao Tianlin pressed down on LI Yanchen's shoulder and was talking to him, but Li Yanchen's mind was with Lin Wan. He turned to look at her from time to time.

Lin Wan and Xia Mo were talking and laughing among themselves. Lin Wan was truly happy for Xia Mo.

Li Yanchen pursed his lips.

As soon as Luo Xi arrived at the scene, the warning light in his head had turned on. He was going to work with another woman, and it seemed Lin Wan didn't care at all.

The man lowered his head. Beside him, Xiao Tianlin was still talking about his "treasures".

Li Yanchen suddenly had an idea. Maybe Lin Wan felt the same way Xiao Tianlin did. She was trying to be happy for her friend's achievement. He could ask Xiao Tianline.

He hooked his arm with Xiao Tianlin's and pulled him to the side. Xiao Tianlin tensed up. "Brother Li, why are you pulling me so hard?"