The CP Is a Mess

Lin Wan's brows furrowed slightly. She tightened her grip on Li Yanchen's hands. "What are you saying? It doesn't apply to you or me. I already told you that you can only remarry if I die sooner than you." 

Lin Wan still feared that one day she would return to her original world. If that happened, she didn't want Li Yanchen to be lonely. 

Li Yanchen was even angrier now. "What do you mean "die sooner than me"? You are ten years younger than me! Even if you were older, it would have to be me who dies first!" 

Lin Wan was confused. She wondered why the talk had turned to life and death. 

"What are we having for lunch? I'm going to try cooking again, and I'm sure I'll succeed this time." Lin Wan changed the topic. 

Li Yanchen's heart sank. The terrifying meal from yesterday's lunch was vivid in his memory. He would remember it for the rest of his life. Once was enough, but Lin Wan was going to try again.