Less Than Three Seconds

"Sure. Didn't we bring a lot of milk? Everyone can have some." Lin Wan looked at the bullet screen. This world was indeed not as exciting as her previous world.

The things that were common in the original world had never been heard of by the people of this world.

"It's very simple. I'll teach everyone later." Lin Wan replied to the comments.

[Lin Wan said she would teach us. How do you know so many strange things?]

[If you follow her, you can learn new skills.]

[It's the blessing of a stay-at-home mom. Thank you, Wanwan, for helping us unlock so many delicious foods.]

[Sisters, my dessert shop is opening soon. Give me your blessings. I want to thank Sweet Little Circle for all their help. I followed the method of Xiao Huan's livestream and made a few desserts to test on the streets. I did some research, and the reviews are 100% positive!]


