Hope He Isn't Taking Everything Away

After Li Zexuan returned to the dormitory, he placed the snacks on his desk.

"Sour bars…," muttered Li Zexuan as he read the ingredients list.

"Hm… so, it's candy," said Li Zexuan. He had never eaten something like this before. Whenever his younger brother, Li Zekai, gave him candy, he would always refuse. He thought only little children ate candy.

Sun Mingtao opened the door to the dorm room and entered. He saw Li Zexuan with some sour sticks in his hands. "You actually bought some candy?!"

Li Zexuan shoved the sour sticks into the drawer. "I was just curious. Anyway, I am going to do my homework now."

Sun Mingtao wanted to get more information out of Li Zexuan, but he had started with his homework. 

Li Zexuan opened his notebooks. He was a little absentminded today.