Heads Intimately Close Together

She was like an entirely different person. Her timidness was gone when she explained the questions to him.

Xie Wanyu eloquently cleared his doubts. No matter which subject it was, she explained the answer in simple terms and wrote down the explanations quickly. She only had to glance at a question briefly to understand it.

She looked very confident as she solved the problems. Her eyes practically sparkled as she explained the answers to him.

After classes, Lu Wenqian went to look for Li Zexuan. However, she couldn't find him anywhere. She called Sun Mingtao instead. She found him on the football field. He was changing his clothes to get ready for a game. He told her that Li Zexuan had carried his bag and left the classroom in a hurry.

Sun Mingtao had been so eager to play football. He hadn't played it for a week. So, he hadn't hung around to ask Li Zexuan about his plans. Instead, he rushed to the football field right after class ended.