Everything Related To You Is Of The Utmost Importance To Me

There were a few messages on her phone.

One was from Yang Ruoxi. As always, she was right on time. "Happy Birthday, my girl! Such a shame I can't be with you this year. I am sending you a birthday song. Also, take this red packet. I know you don't lack money, but please accept it as a token of my affection."

There was a message from Xia Mo as well.

"Wanwan, I made reservations at a hotel tomorrow. I sent out invitations as well. We will have a birthday party much grander than our wedding. Tomorrow, at 11 p.m., we will need to be at the hotel. I booked thirty tables. I invited your friends, some of my friends and some of the company's top management. Not only that, but I invited Luo Xi and Jian Jia too."

Lin Wan was stunned. "Birthday party? You want to have a birthday party that is even grander than a wedding?" She thought she had heard wrong.