Things Like Self-Confidence Sometimes Have Nothing To Do With One's Ability

Lin Wan was cooking.

Li Yanchen and Auntie Huang's efforts to stop her were all in vain.

Auntie Huang was afraid that Lin Wan would burn down the kitchen, so she stood at the door to keep an eye on her. However, Lin Wan shooed her away.

Auntie Huang and Li Yanchen had no choice but to hover around the kitchen door to listen for anything dangerous happening inside.

The clanging in the kitchen continued for twenty minutes. The two wanted to rush in but found that the door was locked from the inside.

Lin Wan thought that her vegetable-chopping skills weren't that bad. She never had any trouble cutting fruits to decorate her cakes, but, somehow, when she cut the vegetables, the sizes didn't come out just right.

After chopping the vegetables for a while, she got up to heat the oil in a pan.