A Negative Example

Ning Xiaoxiao and the rest followed Xiao Yi inside his room.

Xiao Yi took out his precious blind box. He opened it to reveal numerous pens. Li Zexuan leaned down and counted them. There must be more than fifty pens inside the box.

He didn't understand what the hype was about. "What's the difference between this and ordinary pens?" he asked. There was a stationery store in his school. Even there, the blind box stationery was the most popular item bought by students. He couldn't understand why they were so popular.

The pen and keyboard were part of Xiao Yi's collection. He patiently explained the appeal of the blind box. Some of the pens were bought, some gifted to him by friends and fans, and others were exchanged for different items.

Ning Xiaoxiao and Wheatley were very interested in the blind box.

"I also have the same collection," said Ning Xiaoxiao. "But mine are dolls instead of pens. It is especially thrilling when I receive a rare item!"