The Mystery Guest Is Li Chuan

Tao Jingyuan and Zheng Kuo were confused, too. What mission would take place at their house? They had no idea.

"It can't be a music competition, right?" asked Zheng Kuo expectantly. He knew that some of the guests could play musical instruments.

"Maybe," said Tao Jingyuan. "You have some extra instruments you brought along, right?"

[Why didn't I think it could be a music competition? The Festival Group might choose a song and the guests might have to select an instrument and play their rendition of the song.]

[It's good to listen to music before sleeping.]

[But Jiejie said it might be a clay modeling competition.]

[I think it's more likely to be a music competition.]

[Xiaoxiao doesn't seem to have a talent for music. It's unfair!]

[Except for Xiaoxiao's house, everyone seems to be able to play one instrument or another.]

[Xiaoxiao's family should be the judges then.]