Danger Is Approaching

Ji Hanzhi drank coffee. She didn't sleep the entire night. The next day, she looked for an unguarded entrance to the village before dawn.

The Festival Group had arranged tight security on all entrances leading to the village. Ji Hanzhi drove around, but couldn't find a place to sneak in.

She decided to park her car and find an opening on foot. The roads were guarded, but she was bound to find a small path that led to the village.

She found a place to park her car and walked through the fields outside the village. She finally found a small path that was unguarded. The path was overgrown with bushes and weeds. If she wasn't careful, she might cut herself on thorns.

The morning in Lan Village was quiet and beautiful. The sun pierced through the clouds and cast a golden light on the courtyard.

Li Chuan got up early. Xiao Yi had talked at length with Li Chuan yesterday. He knew about his idol's schedule. He had set an alarm for 4:30 a.m.