They Fit Together Perfectly

After the game ended, everyone returned to prepare a second batch of food.

 Lin Wan and Zhou Pei both replaced Li Yanchen and Ning Jiangyuan at the grills. They stood side by side and focused on grilling the meat.

Lin Wan wasn't good at cooking, but she was confident that a barbecue wouldn't be a problem for her. After grilling the meat, she sprinkled some cumin, pepper, and salt over it. She once had a barbecue with the children, and she pretty much knew how it was done.

Ning Jiangyuan and Li Yanchen sat on a small bench. They talked about properties and real estate.

Ning Xiaoxiao finally got the chance to approach Li Zexuan.

[The Li family and the Ning family are a perfect match. The fathers are into business. The children are both celebrities. They are so similar.]

[Did Xiaoxiao and Xuanxuan add each other on WeChat yet? I hope they become good friends.]