Good Looks And Good Personality

The remaining fathers rode the bicycle one by one. The last one to ride was Li Yanchen.

Li Zekai watched his father get on the bicycle. "Daddy, be careful!"

Li Zexuan's hands were in his pockets. He clenched them tightly into fists. Although he appeared calm on the outside, he was very worried. He had asked his father if he had ridden something like this before. Li Yanchen had told him he rode it about twenty years ago. However, he had assured his eldest son that riding a bicycle was a skill that couldn't be forgotten once learned.

When Li Yanchen placed his feet on the pedals, the comments started flowing in.

[Mr. Li took off his jacket. He is wearing a white sweater. The senior I liked when I was in college looked similar. I am a fan of Mr. Li now.]

[I thought Mr. Li had a thermal shirt underneath, but he is wearing such a cute sweater.]

[God, he looks hot. I'll fight anyone who calls him old from now on.]