An Action So Heinous

Xia Mo and Xiao Tianlin hurriedly helped Xiao Yi take off his jacket and found him a new change of clothes.

They thought they had faced their share of terror and struggle in their lives, but this was something else. They were frightened.

Ji Hanzhi had single-handedly tried to harm Lin Wan with acid in front of so many people! They couldn't believe it.

"Xia…." Xiao Tianlin held his wife's hand.

Xia Mo's hands were cold and shaky.

"Old Xiao, I'm so glad Xiao Yi is fine, and Wanwan too…" Xia Mo looked at her husband.

Lin Wan was quiet.

"Wanwan, are you alright?" Xia Mo asked with concern.

Li Yanchen held Lin Wan to him. He was unwilling to let go of her.

"Yeah… Is Xiao Yi alright?" Lin Wan spoke slowly.

"Yeah. Don't worry about him. Only his jacket was caught by the acid. Thankfully, he is fine."