I Hope We'll Stay This Happy Forever!

Lin Wan held his hand tightly. "Alright, hubby."

"Don't do that voice," he said. "I'm already tired."

"Okay… let's watch a movie, hubby."

At Yun Xi High School, the students waited for class to be over.

When the bell finally rang, the students rushed out of the classroom. They ran into the snow and played with their friends.

Li Zexuan kept his distance from Sun Mingtao.

Sun Mingtao hesitated and then ran outside to play snowball fights with his other friends.

Lu Wenqian saw Li Zexuan packing his books and pencil case into his bag alone. She wanted to walk over to him and say something, but his cold glare stopped her in her tracks.

"Li Zexuan, do you want to play snowball fights with us?" asked the class monitor.

"Sure," said Li Zexuan as he put on his jacket.

After school, Xie Wanyu and Luan Rongrong went straight to their dormitory. They decided to eat instant noodles and head out to play in the snow.