Meeting At The Window

When Tiantian didn't answer the call, she sent him a text. "Sleeping? Goodnight! I'm going to go take a shower and sleep too. See you tomorrow!"

He checked his phone. He was 30 km away from his destination. At the current speed, he could probably reach in about half an hour. It was already 11 p.m.

Tiantian hesitated. He really wanted to see Yang Ruoxi.

It was already late, so he couldn't call her. Otherwise, he would have taken a taxi to her place or called her to the hotel.

Yang Ruoxi had just finished taking a shower, and she tossed and turned in her bed. She couldn't wait to meet her boyfriend the next day.

She texted him once again. "You're probably asleep. This all feels so surreal. Are you really coming here tomorrow?"

Tiantian couldn't ignore her this time. "You want to see me that much, Bao 'er?"

"Of course! I want to see you right now! Hahaha… It's alright. I can wait. Why didn't you answer my call?"