Take Me Home

Tiantian texted Yang Ruoxi his room number when he checked in at the hotel.

The hotel room felt lonely, but he felt happy that he was at least closer to Yang Ruoxi now.

When he had arrived, everything had been pitch-black. The streetlights weren't bright enough to illuminate the path, much less show him the surroundings. The night had been cold, so Tiantian had only focused on reaching as soon as he could and didn't pay attention to the place.

When Yang Ruoxi left her house, dawn was breaking. There was a wholesale market in Changrong Town. However, the market was open only in the morning. Yang Yiren didn't doubt his daughter when she said she was going to meet Lin Wan to buy some seafood.

Yang Yiren also had to head to the graveyard for a while.

"Dad, I'll be back in the afternoon to pick grandma up for lunch." Yang Ruoxi was afraid that her father might be worried about her grandmother.