Can't Stay Home?

The comments on the bullet screen increased.

[Her wishes for us are so sincere!]

[Lin Wan, we missed you!]

[How did you become even more beautiful than last time? Instead of rice, I think you eat some anti-aging agent.]

[Mr. Li is also very handsome. May I ask if Mr. Li has planned any earth-shattering things for this episode?]

[Where's Xuanxuan? I finally have the time to watch the live broadcast all day.]

[The children went to unpack their luggage. They might come out after a while.]

In their rooms, the three brothers chose the beds they wanted and hung up their clothes in the closet.

"Finally…" Li Zexin lay down on his bed wearily.

"Brother, let's go out and play." Li Zekai wanted to go to Tutu's house.

Li Zexin also wanted to go to Xiao Yi's house. He jumped up from the bed on his younger brother's suggestion. "Let's go!"