Does A Big Shot Need Our Sympathy?

While the viewers appreciated Xiao Yi's voice, they criticized Li Yanchen's singing.

[@Previous Poster, you want us to sympathize with Li Yanchen? Does a big shot like him need our sympathy?]

[Hahaha… the truth! I'm just a corporate slave. How can I sympathize with Mr. Li?]

[Please sing another one, Wind God!]

[Is there anyone else who feels that the Wind God kind of has this melancholic tinge to his voice?]

[Yes, but I didn't dare say it out loud. The song he covered was "Oath by the Pillow." It feels so sad as though the singer has many stories to tell.]

The theme song for the XX Dream Battle Team was sung by Xiao Yi, but only his teammates knew about it.

Lin Wan listened with fascination. Xiao Yi was actually very good at singing.

After singing two full songs, the three children wanted to take a break.

Li Zexuan glanced at the bullet screen. It was full of praise.

"You sang so well!" Li Zexuan praised Xiao Yi, too.