Who Can Stay Angry At A Baby's Pout?

"Wouldn't it be too much trouble for you?" Li Meng asked.

"Not at all. It'll be ready in two minutes. Let's eat together!"

"Alright. Thank you so much." Li Meng sat down with the children.

 Doudou was still hiding behind Li Zekai. She peeked at her mother.

"Mom, I was wrong. I am sorry. I didn't do it on purpose," said Doudou.

"My mother is the best!" said Doudou.

Li Meng sighed. Doudou was so naughty! She couldn't even stay angry at her daughter.

"Alright. Don't do it again," said Li Meng. "Stop hiding behind Li Zekai. I don't bite."

[Hahaha… this is so funny! Who can resist Doudou's sweetness?]

[Doudou, you're too good. You've got Li Meng completely under your control.]

[Mengmeng loves Doudou more than cooking.]

[How dare you make a comparison between Doudou and cooking?]

[Is Mengmeng a foodie? She was moved by Lawyer Tao's delicious food.]