Old And Slow

"It's unlikely we'll be able to run for two hours. Maybe it's just hiking," said Li Zexin. "We'll be fine. Maybe it'll be difficult for Mr. Li. He is getting old, after all."

"I can run for half a day, nonstop. You worry about yourself," said Li Yanchen.

"Two hours is indeed impossible to continue running," said Xiao Tianlin. "Half an hour is the limit. I have been jogging every morning. I can only push myself for an hour at most. Xinxin is right. It can't be a race."

Xia Mo felt nervous too.

"Just try to hold on as long as you can. We can take breaks in between," said Xia Mo.

"These kids will run and win without any worries. They are young and nimble," said Xiao Tianlin. He had full confidence in Xiao Yi.

[The guests think it's a running race.]

[Magician Xiao could apply to be a referee if he doesn't want to run and ride a bike behind everyone.]

[That's possible.]

[The pressure to win is on the kids.]