Scientific Research

It was a very ordinary afternoon. The kids played hopscotch. Xiao Yi, Li Zexuan, and Li Zexin formed one team, while the remaining kids formed another team.

The staff drew several squares on the ground and explained the rules of the game in detail.

Li Zekai jumped over the squares. He patted himself on the back. "Brother Xuanxuan, you can count on me to bring victory to our family!"

Li Zexuan glanced at the camera from the corner of his eye. It was filmed at a 360-degree angle.

He had heard of the game but had never played it. However, after listening to the rules, he felt that the game of hopscotch depended on the length of one's legs. It was an advantage to be tall. Since Lin Wan and Li Yanchen were absent, Li Zexuan wanted to give it his all for his family.

When the children were at home, they were too noisy and didn't let Lin Wan sleep. However, even when they were gone, she couldn't fall asleep.