It's Really Scary

"True… If the boss is really wearing the headgear, it means he has accepted it. If he is okay with it, why should I meddle?" said Assistant Qin.

At the Lan Village, everyone laughed at each other's roles.

It didn't matter whether they could pull off the characters believably. The costumes alone lifted everyone's spirits.

The live chat was filled with laughter.

[I'm rubbing my hands together in excitement and eagerly awaiting everyone's performances.]

[I'm looking forward to it too!]

[We all learned something. Who would've thought that people in their thirties and forties needed to brush up on their fairy tales?]

[I'm dying with laughter.]

Wheatley's family was the first to perform.

The wicked queen transformed into an old lady and deceived Snow White into eating a poisoned apple. However, Michael's role was unclear. He just stood at the side eating an apple in a king's costume.