I'm Doomed. I'm Making A Habit Of This

In the control room, the Festival Group admired the results of the task of each family.

At eleven in the morning, the director and several staff members left the office.

The six families had already started pasting window flowers and couplets.

In Royal Water Bay Villa, Auntie Huang dialed Lin Wan's number.

"Auntie Huang, how are you?"

"Wanwan, are you coming back today at the usual time? I've washed and cut the vegetables. I'll cook when you're about to reach." Auntie Huang waited in the courtyard.

"Auntie Huang, we haven't left yet. We might not make it in time for lunch. Let's eat dinner together. You can have your lunch." Lin Wan stood on a stool and held the window flowers in both hands.

"Alright, be safe on your way."

Li Yanchen stood beside the table. He objected to Lin Wan climbing up the stool, but she insisted on helping with pasting the things since she couldn't really do any calligraphy.