Which Parent Wouldn't Feel Proud When Their Child Was Being Praised By The Teacher?

Li Yanchen couldn't help but doubt that the "closed" school wasn't really closed at all. He leaned toward Lin Wan and whispered, "They aren't allowed phones in the school, so how do they recognize us?"

"They come home once a month. They are all Xinxin's classmates. Preserved Egg and the others have been to our home several times and have probably bragged about us already."

"I remember now… You and Auntie Huang were recognized at Dongxiang too, right?" Li Yanchen had found out about it from Auntie Huang.

Lin Wan smiled. "Ah, it's normal for people to recognize you when you're an internet celebrity. They were all very friendly."

"Lin Wan? I'm Lele's grandmother. I watched your livestream. You are so adorable. By the way, Lele and Li Zexin are both on the basketball team, though they are in different classes," said a stylishly dressed elder woman.

"Hello," Lin Wan said politely.