Chen Chen, I'm sorry

Li Yanchen was startled by Lin Wan suddenly appearing under the blanket. Their legs touched, and sparks flew. Li Yanchen got up in a hurry. He needed a break.

Lin Wan became even more certain that she had done something beastly last night.

After he left, she sent him a message: "Chen Chen, I'm sorry. I was drunk last night and can't remember properly what happened. Please forgive me."

At Chenxin's headquarters, Li Yanchen hung a "Do Not Disturb" sign on the office door. He wanted some quiet time to think.

When the message appeared on the main screen, Li Yanchen almost choked on his wolfberry tea. 'Chen Chen… Who is that? Oh, right! It's me.'

Li Yanchen felt goosebumps appear on his skin as he read the message.

Lin Wan sent another message: "Chen Chen, this afternoon, I'll go to the dessert shop and might do a livestream with Xia. You focus on your work. See you in the evening."