Can't Speak Ill Of People Behind Their Back

At the park near the Li family house, Lin Wan sat on a swing with Li Zexin's English test certificate in her hand.

"Oh… I thought you found my cooking terrible and were intentionally finding an excuse to get rid of me. I didn't know there was really something you wanted to show me," she said.

"I'm giving it to you," Li Zexin said. "It's the result of your hard work."

Lin Wan was speechless.

"I was a complete failure in English, and now I have improved so much. Isn't it all thanks to your tutoring?" Li Zexin drew a little red flower on the certificate.

Li Zexuan smirked. "You're a bootlicker."

"That's right." Li Zekai stuck out a tongue at Li Zexin.

Li Zexin glared at his two brothers. "Both of you don't know how to repay kindness. Look, Ms. Lin, I'm the most devoted to my family. When I get married, you'll come live with me."

'Is he proposing to me to be his mother-in-law?'