Are You A Real Man?

Auntie Bao led Auntie Huang to see the vegetable garden. There was cabbage, garlic, etc. Everything looked plump and thriving.

"I love growing vegetables," Auntie Bao said with a smile.

"I like it too. The scent of bok choy is lovely when stir-fried. And bok choy dumplings, bok choy soup with glutinous rice balls, stir-fried bok choy with clams..." Auntie Huang transitioned from vegetables to cooking.

The two women chatted excitedly. For the first time, Lin Wan felt completely out of the loop. She didn't even know what bok choy was.

After a while, the two women realized they had become too absorbed in their conversation and forgotten about Lin Wan, who was not very good at cooking.