Top Idol's Family Life

In Yun City, Yang Yiren and his colleagues switched shifts and went to the market to buy an electric blanket. Yang Ruoxi had changed her flight ticket and returned earlier.

The ringtone of his old-fashioned phone echoed through the air, and Yang Yiren hurriedly placed the electric blanket on the ground before answering the call. "Xiao Bao?"

"Old Yang, I'm in Yan City now. We're having dinner with a full table of people, including Wanwan, Yanchen... I sent you photos on WeChat. Check them out and reply, and also help me register a Twitter account. I want to post online like others..."

This call from Auntie Bao ignited a new topic.

"When it mattered, you first thought of Old Yang," said Auntie Huang teasingly. "And you said you were only friends…"

Lin Wan smiled.

Auntie Bao changed the subject. "Thanks to Wanwan and Yanchen, today is my happiest day. It's so great to be with everyone."