I'll Have Some, As Long As It Doesn't Kill Me

Seeing his idol, Li Zexin spruced up his hair. "Good morning! Did you sleep well?"

"Pretty well." Xiao Yi nodded. He felt that something was wrong.

He turned around. "Would you like some breakfast?"

"Yes, I'll freshen up first. See you in a bit." Li Zexin went into his room.

The ones who had gotten up the earliest were Xia Mo and Xiao Tianlin.

They wandered around the yard a few times but didn't see Lin Wan and the others.

It wasn't until the sun was fully out that everyone began to wake up.

Xiao Tianlin brewed some tea and waited for Li Yanchen.

When Lin Wan woke up, her limbs were sore. Even though she had only been taking pictures at the beach, why did she feel all sore?

She propped herself up on the bed and tried to get up.

"It's not good to stay up late. I still feel tired after sleeping so much." She sighed softly.

Li Yanchen stretched lazily. "Should we sleep a bit more?"