Didn't You See Xiao Yi's Face?

Lin Wan rolled her eyes at Li Zexin. "You're overthinking things."

"Auntie Bai Xue is indeed beautiful. I've never seen big brother stare at anyone for so long. I felt like his eyeballs were about to fall out." Li Zexin nudged Li Zexuan. "Right, brother?"

Li Zexuan hadn't fully recovered from his excitement. He was participating in a variety show with his idol and senior for the first time. And she lived next door!

The senior had just told him that she had watched his performance, and it was pretty good.

"Didn't you see Xiao Yi's face?" Li Zexuan blurted out.

Li Zexin was at a loss for words.

"Brother, let's not argue. Let's walk faster," said Li Zekai as he urged them from behind.

The house was the same as before, but the decorations had changed. In addition to the window decorations and couplets set up by the New Year guests, the production team hung many small lanterns.

Everyone placed their belongings in their rooms.