Iron Triangle

The winning fans were extremely excited.

In front of the live camera, staff members called the winners one by one.

When they heard that they had won, some fans were so excited that they couldn't even speak properly. Some choked up with emotions. They kept asking if it was really true.

The lucky draw and calls with fans caused the online viewership to double.

The director regretted not doing it earlier. 'Why didn't I come up with this before?'

The guests chosen by the fans were all very cooperative.

[I just talked to Xuanxuan. His voice is so nice. I'm still in shock.]

[@Previous Poster, don't make others jealous. I really wish Xuanxuan could wish me a Happy New Year and a year full of good luck.]

[That gentle-sounding young lady just now was you? @Piece of trash from the socialite.]

[Yes! I got lucky on the first attempt!]

[First attempt and you won? Unfair. I speak multiple times in every livestream, but I never win.]