Eating Noodles Seriously

Li Zexuan used chopsticks to pick a little and licked his lips. "It's not spicy at all." 

Then, he scooped a spoonful and poured it in.

"This chili is our head chef's secret recipe. It contains yellow bean paste, green onions, garlic sprouts, sesame seeds, peanuts, chili powder... but it's not spicy," said the staff. "This is a must-try side dish for every meal."

When the guests heard this, they all added some chili sauce to their bowls.

"I can eat chili now!" Feifei said happily and licked his chopsticks.

In the end, everyone finished all the noodles. They didn't even leave a drop of the soup behind.

"I'm so satisfied." Li Zexin rubbed his round belly.

"Li Zexin, how can you eat so much and not gain weight?" Li Zexuan asked enviously.

"I'm young. I have a good metabolism. Wind God eats just as much as me and is still thin," he said proudly.