501. meal delivery

After walking and stopping for half a lap, the villagers thanked the guests and the program team one by one. They had actually made the village even more beautiful.

The children surrounded their grandparents and started playing games.

In the evening, everyone reluctantly said goodbye.

After the villagers returned to the hotel, Lin Wan called Mama Bao and told her that she missed her.

Mother Bao was in the cemetery's duty room.

"Is it Wanwan?" Yang Yiren asked.

"Yes, Wanwan. I was delivering food to your Uncle Yang. Today, I made some radish glutinous rice balls and sent them to Grandma Yang. Then, I sent some to Uncle Yang."Mother Bao had been busy chopping fillings and wrapping rice balls all day and did not watch the live broadcast.

Lin Wan seemed to smell gossip.

"Mama Bao, you went to look for Uncle Yang, hehe."