564. Just this small shop

"I know you're busy, so you only have time to go on a date with me. I'm honored. Let's go to Jintai and try to buy all the clothes in the afternoon. I've printed out the list."Xia Mo took out two pieces of paper from her pocket.

These were the costume requirements of the program team. Xia Mo complained at first glance. No wonder the popularity of this program was getting worse and worse. All the costumes had to be provided by herself. The key was not to casually wear what she liked. She had to wear suitable clothes according to the requirements of the list.

Fortunately, Xia Mo took a look and saw that most of the items that appeared were professional attire.

Xia Mo's usual style of dressing was more mature. She was familiar with this kind of clothing, so she took half a day off and pulled Lin Wan to go shopping.