621. express his mind

Li Zexin knew that his brothers were back, so he didn't go out to play.

He took a screenshot of his total score and wanted to show it to Li Zexuan.

On the other side, Li Yanchen had already arrived at the Yangs 'residence. He had to bring Mama Bao and the others over in advance for the Teacher Appreciation Banquet tomorrow.

Just like before, Li Yanchen brought along quite a few gifts to share with the neighbors.

Grandma Yang and Father Yang were embarrassed. Even their own son might not be able to do this, let alone someone who was not related by blood. However, even though they had said it many times, the next time they came over, Li Yanchen would still bring things that filled the trunk.

Yang Ruoxi also returned to the country. She went to the Royal Water Bay with her family.

At night, the Li family's house was brightly lit.

As soon as Mother Bao arrived, she helped Auntie Huang make dinner.

Yang Ruoxi gave Lin Wan a firm hug.