Chapter 2

Jeong Seo Joon approached the bleeding man and sat in front of him. "What was your plan?". The man shivered in pain and fear, slowly raising his head. "I... I had called some reporters t-there.".

"Hmph. You sure are dumb. First, you tried to steal my artists. I would have been impressed if it weren't for your poor methods. Then you used the same method as yesterday to ruin one of my A-grade artists' reputation, but you failed. Now, this. Just give up. You can't do dirty stuff.". The man was offended. "I w-would have succeeded if it hadn't been for t-that girl. I don't know h-how she woke up that fast. I should've used a m-more powerful drug," he said, dipping his head in shame, still shivering.

Jeong Seo Joon scoffed. "Who is that girl?". The man was starting to feel brazen thinking Jeong Seo Joon was there to ask him questions and nothing else. He shook his head. "I don't know. My men randomly picked one of the guests and spiked her drink just like I did for yours. She was a nobody. Are you done with your questions? Now, let me go before I call the police on you.".

"I am. But who said anything about letting you go? I let you off two times already. You need to at least sacrifice one hand or a leg so you will remember to not mess with me again. Take care of him," Jeong Seo Joon said as he exited the room, ignoring the agonizing screams.

Five and a half years later.

Go A Yeong was on the verge of hurling the spatula at Cho Dae Hyun's head. She had stated for the nth time that it was perfectly fine for him to be preoccupied. She had asked him if he could babysit her children because she had an audition.

Go A Yeong discovered she was pregnant three months after losing her first time to a stranger. Abortion was never an option for her. How could she kill an innocent life knowing she was also to blame for what happened that day? Her parents, as always, didn't blame her and understood her situation. They supported and loved her kids as much as she did. Maybe more.

But everything turned upside down the day her parents died in a car accident when the children were two years old. She still remembered how her children cried every day for a month or two, demanding to meet their grandparents. Go A Yeong didn't have time to wallow in grief because she had two lives on the line.

She worked a morning cleaning job, a night cashier job, and a few acting gigs in between. She had no time to care about her dream of becoming an actress or relationships. Despite the pointed stares and dirty looks her neighbors gave her, she never regretted having her two handsome boys.

Since middle school, she and Cho Dae Hyun had been best friends. He was the only one who stood up against them and supported her after her parents. He spoiled the children as his own and admired her, calling her "the best single mom".

"You better stop apologizing before I break your head. You're already doing so much for me and the boys. Not being able to babysit them for one day won't change anything.". Cho Dae Hyun sighed. "I wasn't originally on the night shift, but there has been an increase in kidnapping cases, and they need more manpower tonight to raid a potential hideout of this group. This group is quite powerful.".