Sweet Dream

I was sitting on the throne of my castle. I was adorned in the finest of silks and below me, one of my subjects bowed to me, presenting his offerings to me, his Queen.

'It seems my lucid dreams have been a lot more frequent since Barbara visited. I guess it isn't that bad, it's kind of fun being a Queen.'

Davy was the one bowing in front of me, and the offering he was presenting was a tuna fish.

"Why are my dreams always so Bizarre?" I questioned my own subconscious as I looked down at the very formally dressed Davy. He was wearing a white, black and orange suit that matched his fur as a cat, and his hair was combed back instead of the usually untidy mess it normally was.

"Well, a bizarre day brings a bizarre dream. It makes me curious what kind of life you are living, Miss Wolf."

There was a loud crackle of thunder as I turned in surprise.

"Don't worry Miss Wolf it's only me. Sorry for the intrusion, but I was curious about how you have been." Barbara was the origin of the voice, and she was smiling ear to ear at me. She was wearing a frilly dress more appropriate to my dream rather than the normal suit and tie she wore when we first met.

"Don't scare me like that, you nearly gave me a heart attack."

"Sorry, there isn't really a way to enter a person's dreams without shocking them, but you steadily get used to it. Coyle gets shocked if I'm not in his dreams at this point."

"How is Coyle?"

"Oh, he's the same grumpy and serious idiot he always is, but I'm more interested in this cute kitty. Who is he?" Barbara started poking Davy's face as she scanned his face. Dream Davy didn't really react, and just kept smiling.

"He's one of my friends from school."

"Now you have to tell me all about it. Let's move to some nicer scenery first." Barbara clapped her hands and the room we were in switched to a table in the castle's garden. The table had a tea set and a plate filled with snacks; dream Davy was the stood next to the table pouring tea into the cups.

Barbara sat down and gestured for me to do the same. "Now tell me everything that's happened, starting with how you met this cutie."

I regaled the tale of me and Davy meeting, and how after that we became friends after I beat up a leopard and lion. As I explained the story, a screen appeared displaying my memories of the moment. I guessed it was part of Barbara's magic.

"Hahaha, I can't believe you chased him up a tree, Bwahaha!" Barbara had been sent into fits of laughter after seeing me bark Davy up a tree.

"It's not that funny!" I was super embarrassed by this point, and the sky reflected my mood. A huge bolt of lightning fell from the sky and engulfed Barbara.

"*Cough* *Cough* Ok I'll stop laughing." Barbara repaired her singed hair and clothes with a snap of her finger, then went back to talking. "You were really cool in the fight. I can't believe you used a partial transformation, and the way you threatened that guy with your foot at his throat was so badass."

"It was pretty fun, but I don't the rep I got was worth it. It made an instant bad impression on one of my teachers, and strangely made a good impression on a different teacher."

"But how is it like having a forbidden love with Mr Tuna over here?" Dream Davy gave a small smile when he was mentioned (or possibly because tuna was mentioned).

"We aren't dating, and what do you mean forbidden? I know a lot of people hate Chimeras, but it isn't exactly illegal or anything, right?"

"Well, whilst you're not wrong it isn't illegal, but chimeras aren't just hated, they are feared."

"What? Why?"

Despite being in a dream Barbara chose to whisper to me. "I shouldn't say this to you because the magic council keeps it very hush-hush, but there have been civil wars and rebellions against the magic council before. In those times the council releases their living weapons, also known as chimeras."

"Why though? I get turning into multiple animals would be cool, but I don't think it gives them living weapon status."

"Imagine a soldier that can fly, camouflage, secret poison and has a bulletproof shell, and you never see them coming because before they attack you because he looks like a squirrel frolicking around. Plus, you should soon learn that transforming isn't the only gift a hybrid possess."

"Why are you telling me this if it's supposed to be a secret?"

Barbara gave me a teasing smile. "I wanted to warn you, encase your future love child is drafted into the council's militia. If you do forget to use protection you might want to keep the kid's parentage a secret."

"I told you it's not like that with Davy!" The clouds above began to gather and darken, and Barbara took notice.

"Sorry, sorry. I couldn't help but tease you when you were making such a serious face." She relaxed a little and the former gravity she had completely vanished. "Moving to a brighter topic, have you started your therianthropics classes yet?"

"No, I have it this Friday."

"Good, just whisper my name before you start practising, and I should be able to help. I helped one of my fellow agents once, so I'm good at it."

"Okay, but how can you help me?"

"I'm not the best to explain it but trust me you will want my help. It makes the process ten times easier and faster."

We talked a little more about Barbara's work, and my time at Wylde academy. The work she and Coyle did since they helped me wasn't very interesting, they were mostly just erasing the memories of people who had seen something they shouldn't have.

After a few hours, the world around me began to fade and disappear, a sign I was waking up.

"I guess this is goodbye then." I said as I hugged Barbara.

"Hopefully not for long. Remember to contact me in the therianthropic lesson, and I'll keep my schedule open, so I can help you." Barbara returned my hug and then began to disappear. "See you later!"

I woke up gasping for breath, but it felt like something was stopping me from breathing, and even though I was sure my eyes were open, I couldn't see anything.

My panic was short-lived when I realised one of the stuffed animals was sitting on my face asleep. The animal was a stuffed pig, and it made an *Oink* sound when it hit the wall I threw it at.

I was sharing a room with Alice, and she woke up to the sound of the pig.

"Is everything alright Kate?" She asked waking up with a yawn.

"Yeah, the pig was just sleeping on my face, and I nearly suffocated to death."

"Damnit Hamski, I told you to stop doing weird things like that. If you want someone to cuddle you ask them when they're awake."

Alice scolded Hamski and then went back to sleep holding him, much to Hamski's delight. I checked the time on my phone, and it read 4:53 am, so I followed her example and enjoyed the few hours of sleep I had before school.