Chapter 2: Looks like someone has a crush on azuzeil?

Azuzeil has finally reached his school now, he actually didn't want to attend it today. But oh well, does he have a choice? Mayhaps not, so like a Choiceless person, he walked inside the school, before suddenly he could hear someone shouting his name, "azuzeil-kun!", a woman shouted out of his name. A beautiful woman with long black hair and Golden eye pupils, wearing a school uniform while having a smile of joyfulness on her face would run towards azuzeil. Azuzeil being that one mundane dude won't react to that, and just blankly stood there. Yet his facial expressions were still the same as before; devoid of emotions, that girl's name was 'Ichino' . She's the childhood friend of Azuzeil; they both have been friends since they were in kindergarten. Well, Ichino does have a "little" Crush on him, either way. She was now present in front of azuzeil, she gave azuzeil a little smile. Making direct eye to eye contact, if you're wondering,yes. Azuzeil indeed knows what her feelings for him are, however as mentioned before he's "mundane" So he ignored her feelings till now. Even though it's mutual, why does she have a crush on azuzeil? Well, there is a sweet little story behind that. Let's explore by going back into the past.

7 years ago, when azuzeil was 8 years old. He was in kindergarten. And since he was a child, he didn't like to socialize with other kids. He was always quiet and preferred to stay alone from the very beginning. He thought that the other kids were just a bunch of idiots. Making friends with them is rather a waste of time, considering he's all knowing. And on the other hand ichino was completely opposite of him, but rather civilized compared to him.

However one day, when azuzeil was just simply going back home as his classes were over, (well yea, he goes home alone, he doesn't know what fear is) on the way, he was walking near besides a park, he heard a girl whining, he follow the voice And entered the park, reaching upto the end of the park. In a corner, there were standing two boys who were bullying a defenseless girl. Azuzeil didn't know why they were bullying her, he doesn't know why. But he only knows that he needs to save her from that, otherwise who knows whether she'll be traumatized because of that single event or not? Azuzeil steps closer to them,"What are you both doing? Leave her alone.", azuzeil said those sentences in a very cold-tone, even though he's 8 year old. His voice is quite deep. Both of them turn out, looking at azuzeil they both said "listen here, leave us al-" Before they could even finish their sentence, azuzeil stared at their eyes, deep inside their soul. Injecting fear inside their mind. They both got extremely scared to the point they ran away from there shouting like they had seen a ghost or something.

Azuzeil looked at them running away with a blank facial expression. "Idiots," He said before looking at the girl who was sobbing sitting down on her knees. "Hey, are you okay? Here. Take my hand, I'll help you to stand up." Azuzeil presented his hand towards that girl ducking down a little. That girl stopped sobbing and looked up at him. She could feel being consoled around him. She first hesitated a little but she eventually calmed herself down, and took his hands and stood up along with azuzeil. He took his other hand closer to her before wiping off her tears, "what's your name, miss?", azuzeil said. That girl who just stopped sobbing was stuttering but she still answered "ic-ichi-.. Ichino.."She was quite flattered by Azuzeil's gentle behavior, "I see, nice to meet you. Ichino-san. If those boys bullied you again. I'll take care of them, from now on, we're friends. And I promise, I'll protect and help you as one. A friend that is." Ichino was extremely flattered now. Now by this point, she has developed a huge crush on Azuzeil, eh? Guess 'love at first sight' actually is possible, even for kids.