Chapter 3: Show time. 

We now shift back into the current conversation between azuziel and that mysterious guy, "But before we begin, I'll like to introduce myself, my name is Glenny. I was commanded by my queen to protect This cosmology. Which we were in right now. " That mysterious man named 'Glenny' stated, "Okay." Azuziel replied Savagely. 

"Not much of a talker, eh? Well whatever, let our duel begin as you declined to hand her over, guess you don't value your life after all, human." Glenny said

"Alright alright, just begin already. I'm getting tired of your nonsense. I will give you the first move, try your hardest, you're just an ignorant fool underestimating this human." Azuziel gave another savage reply. 

Glenny just only said one sentence as a smirk formed via his lips"As you wish." As soon as he said that, glenny quickly dashed towards at azuziel, clenching his right fist, attempting to Punch at azuziel's face at blinding-speed several times faster than a bullet, however to his surprise, azuziel didn't even reacted to glenny's act And simply just tilted his head to left side, closing his eyes like he wasn't even trying, glenny's attack was failed. Azuziel effortlessly Dodged it, "I see." Glenny steps back a bit of distance away at high-speed, sort of like the "Flash step"

"It seems like you're much stronger than what I've expected, well? Guess I'll have fun playing with you then" Glenny said before fading away from Azuziel's sight, instantly appearing behind him keeping a distance, "Too bad! It's all over here." He delivered a roundhouse kick at Azuziel's back side of the head, at speed which was impossible to keep with a naked eye, using his right foot. But then again, azuziel was also somehow a prodigy at fighting himself, so in a blink of an eye, azuziel also immediately turned around at glenny's direction, he also delivered a roundhouse kick but at opposite direction, which was different from glenny's; glenny's roundhouse kick was through left arc, azuziel's roundhouse kick was through right arc, at the end, both of the kick collided with each other, the impact created by the kick's collision was so strong, it shaken up the entire dimension which was created by glenny. 

"Hey! Hey! Not bad!" Glenny glanced at Azuziel While having a smirk on his face. Both stepped back as soon as the collision effects were over, Now they were a little bit far away from each other, both of the individuals glanced at each other, ready to continue this duel.