Chapter 1: A little chat 

In the previous chapter we saw Azuriel agreeing to help Glenny, now we will continue from there, both of them would finish their handshake from going back to their default position once again, Glenny said to Azuriel

"Now, listen here. The plan is–" 

"No need, I'll do it myself." Said Azuriel, not even letting him finish the sentence. 

"Damn okay, you're at least confident regardless of your 'attitude'." He said, chuckling a little. 

"But Anyways, we will get straight into the business, no filler activities are necessary at this point, we don't have all day so I'll just give you your task, first you need to defeat every single hindu gods within the pantheon; like shiva, rudra, vishnu etc. And of course, we will have to travel to "𝗦𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗴𝗮" Where they all are present in, am I clear?" 

"Got it." Azuriel replied. 

"Good, And don't worry about the means of transportation. I have everything prepared via using my magic, also about 'her' don't worry, I'll keep her safe, for now I'll keep her inside my dimension and stop her 'time' until our job is over, but of course. I need your trust in order to do that. So, what do you say?" Asked Glenny. 

Azuriel kinda realized that Glenny is always an armed man, he doesn't lack any sort of preparation. Judging by his words, he is trustable, however Azuriel himself have common sense, he cannot just trust someone blindly who he just meet a while ago, Azuriel himself is sharp minded he isn't mischievous like most children who's around his age, he just observes and think rationally before delivering a judgement, he was observing Glenny for a while, and by his statements he's a clever man, perhaps Glenny had sense Azuriel's Ominous around when he destroyed his dimension? That's why he didn't fight Azuriel further? Who knows, both of them have different thinking styles, One is straightforward while one is like a detective technically. 

Nevertheless, Azuriel looked up to Glenny, staring deep inside his soul, he said

 "You won't do anything you'll regret, right?" 

Glenny got a little concerned, however. He also has proper understanding so he genuinely replied

"Of course, why would I do something like that?" 

Glenny himself knows that he cannot win against Azuriel, he isn't as reckless as you may think, he's clever as stated earlier. However, due to him realizing Azuriel's capabilities late but better than never, Glenny indeed knows that he'll be a big help if he plays his words correctly in order to make him agree regarding his offer, which looks like it's working. And since Azuriel agreed, it's practically a win-win situation for both of them, which is a good thing, to be honest. 

Azuriel stopped staring before pointing his left index finger towards Glenny. 

"And if you did, you'll face the consequences." Said Azuriel in a serious manner. 

"Jezz, chill out for a moment, I promise I won't do anything." Glenny moved his right wrist up and down jokingly. "Also I can help you out during the battles, like a tag team, what do you say?" 

"No, you just sit there and watch, I'll slam all of them myself, don't care whether they're God's or whatever." Azuriel said. 

"Alright alright, fine. Guess I can trust you after all, now enough of this conversation, let's get straight to the business itself."

As soon as Glenny said that, a red magic circle appeared on the ground where they both were standing. 

"I casted a teleportation spell we can instantly travel using this, wherever you like, but our destination is swarga so we will directly reach there."

The magic circle was emitting a light, before suddenly, both of them were teleported to "Swarga'' (Which is basically heaven in Hinduism). Before their eyes, they could see a very beautiful place, which could only be the swarga itself, they could see clouds around, beautiful mountains on a large scale, flying castles And overall a place which we all imagined. Apparently both Azuriel and Glenny were on top of a mountain watching the scenario.

"God damn, it's been a while since I visited this place. It was as beautiful as I remember!" Glenny presented his thoughts. 

"Have you visited this place before? Also which God will we execute first?" Asked Azuriel, looking in Glenny's direction. 

"Yes, I did. And to answer your question, we'll first take out the creator 'Brahma' the creator of the universe, he is one of the strongest along with Vishnu and Shiva, though of course he prefers peace often so he won't easily be invoked, we'll have to do something about that." 

"Well, what are we waiting for then? Let's go straight up to them And yoink them." Said Azuriel 

"He won't agree to fight that easily though-"

"Who cares, I'll manage everything, you just sit back And observe. And most importantly, don't interrupt my battles, you hear me?"

"Okay okay, I understand, now let's go to Brahma and deal with him."

"Alright." Said Azuriel. 

Glenny pointed one of his right index finger towards a floating Castle which was emitting out golden lights, clouds were floating around the castle loweside, it seemed very fascinating. Azuriel looked at the castle and said to Glenny

"Okay, we'll fly up there." 

"You can fly?" 


"Why did I even question this, my brain sometimes is on vacation." Glenny shrugged both of his shoulders. 

"I can see that, well. Now let's go."

Glenny nodded, both of them starting to float towards the castle. Now the castle was little far away from their location, so far floating in one direction for around fifteen minutes, both of them finally reached up to castle, they both landed in front of the castle, Azuriel looked up And saw that there was a giant door which was locked, the door seems to be larger than a building, this is weird. But since it's swarga, what can we expect?

"Ah crap, it's locked. This is annoying." Glenny scratched his head, "oh yea hold on, I can probably destroy it." 

"Go ahead." Said Azuriel. 

Glenny exposed his right palm, keeping it in front of him, a magic circle of white colour appeared across it, he started to charge up his mana, a ball of energy made with mana appeared, he released it towards the gate, the energy made contact with the gate. Within the physical contact, it exploded like a bomb it explosion was pretty big. Because of it a lot of dust clouds were generated around the area, after a while when the dust clouds were faded away, we could see both glenny and Azuriel were still there, unharmed, however Glenny had his eyes closed, he was coughing a little, Azuriel on other hand was still the same, no reaction. 

"Damn, guess my attack did wor–" Glenny saw that, his attack "did" Work. However it only left a small crack on the gate, which before his eyes were recovered within a split second, "What the heck-" 

"Whatever, I'll do it myself." Azuriel let out a sigh, he advanced towards the gate, he was just an inch away from the gate, keeping his right hand inside his right pocket, he grabbed the gate; in the middle, so both of the giant doors could be adjusted on his one hand, he tightened the grip which forced the part of the gate which he was grabbing to be bended a little, he immediately pulled his hand back which forced the gates to be detached from its default position, while he was pulling it. He let go of the gate, sending it flying into the sky, leaving a massive gust of wind behind. Azuriel wasn't even serious whilst executing that, not even using half of his strength, since the "little" Problem was solved, it was time to get moving. 

Glenny was shocked, but at the same time he knew that it was a piece of a cake from Azuriel. So he didn't react much. "Damn, you sure have a lot of brute strength." Said Glenny, Azuriel didn't comment, instead he was looking inside the castle, Glenny also advanced towards And looked inside the castle too. It was a whole new different world. There were grasses, mounting trees, and in the middle, there was floating a man who had three heads, closing his eyes. Perhaps meditating? Azuriel didn't looked at Glenny but said 

"Stay here, I'll handle him."

"You're sure, right? And okay if you say so. I won't interrupt your battle, but I'll observe it." 

"Yes, And fair enough." Azuriel slowly walked inside the castle, stepping on grass, Glenny casted a spell once again, a eye like thing appeared, which he sended it inside the castle, the eye like thingy float up high, away from ground level, this eye was connected with glenny's own consciousness, meaning whatever this eyes see, he will see, with that being said Glenny stepped away, suddenly another gate was generated, blocking anything which would enter it. 

Both Azuriel and Glenny somnoticed it, however since both knew that it ain't doing crap to them, neither of them bothered to do something. Instead Glenny was observing via his spell, Azuriel was still advancing towards that three headed man who was the God of creation brahma, after covering distance between him and brahma for a while he finally reached up to brahma, Azuriel maintained a distance of one meter between them, brahma was looking like your average Indian old man with white beard, wearing a "dhoti" (It's a long loincloth traditionally worn in southern Asia by Hindu mens & gods.) He wasn't wearing anything on top, either way. Brahma didn't notice Azuriel as he was meditating, Azuriel wasn't that patient enough to wait for him to finish his meditation. So, he asked "So, you're the God Brahma if I'm correct?" Brahma didn't  respond to Azuriel for a moment, however he suddenly opened all of his eyes and responded "Yes, I'm guessing you need something from me?" Brahma replied genuinely, trying not to sound rude regardless of him breaking his mediation, Azuriel replied

"I've come to have a duel with you, a death match."

"No. I prefer peace, violence isn't always the answer…" Brahma replied "Though, I'll ask you again. what do you want?"

"Like I've mentioned before, I've come to have a duel with you." Responded Azuriel

"I respectfully refuse." Brahma said that and didn't say anything further. 

"So guess, He was right after all." Azuriel was referring to Glenny's earlier statement regarding Brahma, "Now, look at this And tell me what do you think." Azuriel opened his aura notes, and revealed his ominous aura, which was present around him. This aura is more than enough to destroy 3/3 of the world, "I will destroy Swarga if you don't accept my challenge. I'm here to conquer the entire hindu Pantheon." 

Brahma was surprised by Azuriel's ominous aura, he could easily tell that it was more than enough to even destroy swarga as well, Brahma now was in deep thinking, whether he should decline his challenge or not.. Then again, he didn't wanted swarga to get destroyed, so unfortunately he had to accept the challenge, though Brahma believed in his own capabilities, he wasn't afraid of Azuriel's blackmail, he was rather worried about swarga instead, perhaps he can easily wipe azuriel, Brahma made his decision and said

"Very well then, I'd like to see you try getting past me first, let alone taking on the entire hindu Pantheon."

Brahma floated a little higher before posing like mahadev;Shiva, "Let our duel begin."

Azuriel clenched both of his fists And looked up to Brahma, his eyes were telling that he'll defeat this God no matter what, "Go ahead, give me your best."

Both of the individuals, glanced at each other, the battle between this "Human" And God was about to begin.