Chapter 3: Humiliating the 'God'

Azuriel's punch was blocked by Brahma's Magical barrier. Now, Azuriel knew that brahma would do something to protect himself from his devastating blows, he may have succeeded in defending himself, however this battle was far from being over, Azuriel's overwhelming attack and brahma's overwhelming defense was clashing with each other, it'll indeed be interesting to see who overpowers who. 

Right now, Azuriel dashed back into the ground, he knew that attacking Meaninglessly won't lead to anything, brahma would just defend himself by any means of necessity, So, brute force won't work against brahma, instead he needs to land a solid hit to finish brahma off. 

The scene shifted back to Glenny, who was watching the whole battle via the eye thingy he casted through a spell. "Dammit, I thought He'll end it quickly, guess he needs to put in a little effort to win now." Glenny muttered to himself, watching both of them. 

Brahma looked downed at Azuriel, who was currently present on the ground, "Fool, you cannot defeat me with those weak punches of yours, guess you're just a weakling after all, you got superhuman strength which is not enough to even land a scratch on me." Brahma mocked Azuriel with his words.

Now look, Azuriel isn't using his true strength. Not even 1/100 percent. However, this ignorant God seemed to get cocky because of that, guess Azuriel has to humiliate him now? Yes, that's right. Humiliating the 'God'. 

Azuriel said, "you asked for it." Suddenly Brahma felt that someone's hand was planted on his face, he couldn't even react to it. The hand was none other than azuriel's, he was present in Mid-air now, now he pushed Brahma away into the ground, at extreme speed. Brahma crashes into the ground, creating a large crater on it. Brahma was extremely surprised by the act, while lying on the ground, he saw Azuriel floating. 

Azuriel now wanted to finish Brahma off, so he flung towards Brahma And delivered a punch towards his stomach using his right fist, and unsurprisingly it landed, Brahma spitted out blood from his mouth, the influence of the punch was so strong it doubled the size of the crater, Brahma's expression was clearly showing that he's struggling now. 

Azuriel than grabbed Brahma's neck And throwed him towards the sky, before he himself appeared behind Brahma And kicked at his back using his left foot, sending him away flying, however Azuriel wanted to toy with him so, he appeared in from of Brahma while he was flying and once again kicked him, at his stomach. Azuriel repeated the loop for a while before karate chopping Brahma, sending him into the ground, a lot of dust clouds were generated, after a moment, all of the dust clouds were faded, Brahma was lying on the ground. He was severely injured, it looks like he can die anytime, Azuriel landed beside him, he looked at Brahma; his facial expressions, as always, were void of emotions, "Was it enough to show you how strong I am?" 
