Chapter 5: An Unexpected Encounter


Azuriel and Glenny, both were still present in swarga, approximately one week ago, Azuriel demolished Brahma, Now, both were in a large field where trees and vegetations were available, a perfect place for discussing something, right now Azuriel was lying his back on a tree, crossing both of his arms together, he had his eyes closed, And just a few distance away from him, there was standing Glenny, "So, we both have been Goofing around this 'realm' for a week now, what's your plan now?" Glenny said, looking at Azuriel, "Well, I thought we should've explored this place, so we could see what swarga truly is , unfortunately, we haven't explored this place fully yet." Replied Azuriel oddly, Glenny silently laughed a little, "Ahahaha, well, I don't want to break your bubble but, Swarga here is very well-known to be 'infinite', And it'll keep expanding itself endlessly."

Azuriel opened his eyes and looked at Glenny with an unamused face, "So, you mean that the mass who extends itself here is infinite?"

"Yep." Replied Glenny, "But anyways, Azuriel, you never told me your full name, so, I would like to know what it is, mind telling me?"

"I will, but tell me yours first." Responded azuriel

"It's Glenny foster." Said Glenny, revealing his full name.

"I see, Well mine is… Azuriel Louka." Replied Azuriel, revealing his full name as well.

"Ah I see! That's a unique surname, but it's cool either way."

If you're (Yes,you.) wondering what happened in last few weeks, this is what happened: Azuriel and Glenny get to know each other while trying to explore swarga, they unknowingly became friends, and now they're talking casually like normal friends, 𝘶𝘯𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘧𝘪𝘳𝘴𝘵 𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳, Now, Azuriel seems to get a personality development through these ongoing events, he basically become a little chill now, and about Glenny, he's still the same.

Azuriel And Glenny suddenly went silent, both of them had a serious expression on their faces now, because they both could sense a presence of someone, who was coming this way, "Someone is approaching this way, Azuriel." Said Glenny, "Yes, I can sense someone's presence." Both of them didn't move from their position.

After a while, Someone jumped towards them, Both Azuriel and Glenny move away from the spot instantly, they both were now like a distance away from the one that jumped on them, the tree which Azuriel was lying his back a while ago was completely destroyed now, with a gust of wind, the ground which they were standing few moments ago was distorted, There was standing a tall and muscular man, who was none other than Rudra himself, his height was around 6'4, he wasn't carrying any sort of weapons with him, but was in his default outfit, "it wasn't hard to find you both after all." Said Rudra.

"Ah crap, that's Rudra, one of the Gods from Hinduism, Hey, Azuriel. What should we do about him?" Glenny said that while looking at Azuriel

"I don't know, but if he's one of them, should I eradicate him right here and now?" He looked back and responded.

"Hey! You both are mocking me, aren't you, well.. That's alright, because I'm especially here to destroy you both! Prepare yourselves!" Rudra shouted at both of them.

Azuriel looked at Rudra, judging by his appearance, it seems like he's more of a physical fighter rather than using metaphysical powers, "Hey, Glenny, let me handle him." Said Azuriel without even looking towards Glenny, "Go ahead." Replied Glenny before immediately floating up high in the sky, looking down at both of them, he said "Let the duel begin, I'll be the judge."

"Fine by me! Let's get the fun started already!" Declared Rudra with an effortless smile on his face, Azuriel gets on his fighting stance, clenching both of his fist towards, he waited for his foe to make a move, Rudra didn't wasted anytime, and ran towards Azuriel at speed of 789 Mph, getting his right fist cocked, he delivered a straight punch towards Azuriel, which Azuriel blocked by crossing both of his hands together like 'X' sign, of course, the punch was extremely powerful so Azuriel obviously got pushed back a little, however, that punch of Rudra didn't even succeed in landing a scratch to Azuriel, thanks to his durability being so ridiculously high, "Not bad kid." Rudra complimented Azuriel for surviving his punch, perhaps Rudra is getting cocky just cause he managed to land a meaningless hit, Azuriel gets back on his primary fighting pose, getting ready for another clash, Now, knowing Rudra, he obviously won't waste time. So, he yet again, tries to land a punch towards Azuriel using his left fist instead of his right fist, Azuriel saw the upcoming attack, so in counter, he simply caught the punch using His own left hand, Rudra was surprised that Azuriel had the strength to do so, impressive indeed.

Azuriel let go of Rudra's fist after catching it, And stepped back, "You're quite impressive kid, I didn't expect you to have this much strength and skills to rival my own, however, I'll still destroy you into pieces!", Rudra dashed towards Azuriel shouting, but this time he instead of giving a single punch, used both of his fist to landed multiple punches at once towards Azuriel at speed which was casually breaking the sound barrier, now, Azuriel isn't weak, he has very quick reflexes, that's why he was able to react to rudra's incredibly powerful yet quick punch, Azuriel once again made a 'X' sign using both of his hands together, which would provide him decent defense at most degrees.

Azuriel Tanked Rudra's punches with it for a while, Rudra stopped with those punches, taking a quick step back, he said "Hey, why aren't you attacking!?"

"If I attacked, you won't be able to endure it, that's for sure." Replied Azuriel.

"Oh? So you doubt my abilities, huh? Now, I shall demolish you, right here and now!" Rudra stated his final comment before he tried to move, however to his surprise, he couldn't even move a inch, it was like someone paralyzed him "Not this again!"

Suddenly, a figure appeared besides Rudra, which was none other than Lord krishna himself, standing there he said looking at Azuriel, (even though he knew Glenny was floating, he didn't looked at him) "I apologizes for my fellow commarade's ignorance, I shall take him back." Said Krishna politely, even though his intention was definitely not related to the politeness he's displaying, he acted, and said, looking at Rudra, "Let's go, now." Krishna released him by stopping the paralyzation effect, "Damn you Krishna.."

Krishna opened a portal, Rudra turned back And said, "I'll get you next time, until then, try to not get yourself, kid." Stating that he and Krishna entered the portal and vanished away, Glenny was watching & listening to everything which just happened, inside his mind, he thought, "Well, guess we'll be getting a lot of challenges from now on, that was an unexpected encounter."