The Nether realm

He was going to make her give lives in exchange for hers. Natasha let out a bitter laugh at her predicament. Shaking her head at herself she looked at him.

"Where is this?" Natasha mustered courage and asked.

"The Nether realm," Reaper answered and Natasha froze in place.

Everything that has happened has become too overwhelming for her to handle. She felt her head spinning and everything started looking fussy in her eyes.

Reaper moved closer to her, he pulled down the hood on his head and a skull was seen instead of a face with golden eyes. No. It was a fire burning inside. The moment Natasha saw that she lost all her willpower and fainted right at that instant. That was enough to make her succumb to the darkness that had been calling her name for a while now.

Reaper halted in his steps and bent forward. He stared at her face for a while. He knew she wasn't dead because he would know. He stretched his hands and carried her up once again before he disappeared.

Natasha woke up and found herself on a king-size bed in a luxurious room. For a moment she thought all that had happened before was just a nightmare that she had finally woken up from.

She looked around the room and saw that it was not her room. The room was beautiful and grandeur and the decorations in the room were completely different from her bedroom. And the room was painted black and everything inside was of different shades of black colors including the bed and its duvet.

She scanned the room while sitting upright on the bed. She then caught a figure sitting on the sofa looking out the window and staring into the darkness outside.

"Where I am now?" she asked and the figure turned to face her. Natasha's breath hitched when she saw the face of the man though he was wearing all black with black hand gloves perfectly complimenting the room, his face was the kind that you would only be seen in a woman's dream of a perfect man.

If not for his eyes which she recognized as the Reaper's, she would have rushed into his arms and asked him to never let go. He had dark hair, golden eyes, a well-defined jawline, and well-defined nose, and a thin pair of lips that looked inviting. His facial features were all sharp and bewitching.

He was tall about six foot seven and had broad shoulders and a well-built body. Altogether, he looked like a sin any woman would be more than willing to commit without even thinking it through. If this is the face of death then women will be dying occasionally at will.

Seeing her looking at him he chuckled and she was brought back from her train of thoughts hearing that chuckle coming from him.

"I brought you back to your city. I figured you would want to be near humans". Reaper answered her question. His voice was more humane now but that dead cold and lifeless vibe it gave before was in no way hidden. It still sends chills down her spine. But it was also very magnetic.

"Why did you bring me back here? You know that they will kill me the moment that they see me." Natasha asked.

"Don't worry little bunny, no one will step foot into this property without permission. So you are safe as long as you are in here."

"Whose house is this!" she asked again.

"Mine," Reaper answered. Natasha was not at all surprised. For a creature who had lived since the beginning of...death, he has to be wealthy. She looked around the place once again then turned back to look at Reaper.

"How do you intend to help me get back at them?" Natasha asked.

"That depends solely on you. However you wish to deal with it, I have no problem with it." Reaper answered and Natasha nodded at him.

"I want to take two days to mourn my parents. After that, I will start my torment. Nigel will never see me coming." Natasha said with a blank expression on her face.

"Mm..hmm," Reaper said and left the room he came back shortly with a maid holding a tray in her hands. The maid came in and placed it on the bedside table and gave a bow before leaving the room.

Natasha was just looking at everything with shock and confusion. Since when did he have a maid working for him? She shifted her gaze to the food on the table and then back to him without uttering a word.

After the silence had dragged on for a while, Natasha decided to break it. " Who is she?" she asked.

"The maid who will be serving you as you stay here". Reaper answered.

"I don't trust anyone. I will take care of my every need by myself". Natasha said rejecting the idea of having a maid.

She has seen just how wicked the world can be, even your most trusted employee can be the one to stab you in the heart while looking you straight in the eyes and with a smile on their lips. All these, she has experienced in one day.

She has seen how the servants in her home betrayed her family. How her newlywed husband killed her family on their wedding night and forced her to watch as they were dismembered and those servants stood by and watched with no ounce of pain or fear in their eyes. Not even pity.

There was no way she would accept anyone attending to her after such a thing had happened to her in not more than two days. It has been just a day and here she was asked to take another servant.

Reaper stood by the side and watched every expression that she was giving off. He knew just what made her reject the maid and did not question her.

"You don't trust anyone around you and I can understand that. But what about me? You know exactly who and what I am. Do you still trust me with your life? " Reaper asked.

Natasha turned her full attention to him and said, "You are right," She said, "I do know what you are and what your purpose is to the world. That is why I can trust you. Unlike them who are monsters in human bodies. You can never tell what their purpose is."