Tempt a devil

He stood behind her and made no movements and only called her name, "Natasha," She turned slightly startled by his sudden appearance but not as much as she used to be. Slowly, she was getting used to him popping out of nowhere.

She walked over to where he stood and stopped three steps away from him and tilted her head up to look at his face that was covered by his cloak. "I am sorry for earlier." She began, looking him directly in the eyes. "I hope you don't take offense from that."

He took his human form and closed the distance between them. He held her chin up and caressed her lower lip with his eyes glued on them before trailing to her eyes and they gazed into each other's eyes. "I took no offense," He said and stared at her lips again, "But you shouldn't do that again if you don't want to regret it, Little Bunny."