
This chapter is dedicated to @Shiroi_Nami and @FightLoveSystem, Thank you for the gift.


Reaper rematerialized inside the mansion but he did not go up to his room or Natshaa's, he walked over to the liquor cabinet and took a bottle of a limited edition Jonnie Walker. He uncapped it and poured it into a glass that materialized in front of him and he downed it like he was taking shots. His face remained stoic and unchanged like the bitter taste of it did not affect him at all and he poured more into the glass.

The urge to go to her was strong but at the same time, he wanted to suppress it. If he were to go to her now, he would be too dangerous for her. And he might end up hurting her thereby breaking her trust. He had promised to protect her from harm, he was not going to be the one to harm her instead.